RIVER DEVELOPMENT SRLas a personal data controller, processes personal data - which you provide - in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals as regards the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC.

In this context, taking into account our obligations, we inform you of the following:

a) the identity and contact details of the operator:


  • address: Bucharest, Splaiul Independenței street no. 319, Berlin Building, Ob. 5, et. 1, room 1, Sector 6, Romania;
  • email:

b) contact details of the data protection officer:

Support Data Protection SRL

email:, tel. 074534505


c) the purposes for which the personal data are processed and the legal basis of the processing: în care sunt prelucrate datele cu caracter personal şi temeiul juridic al prelucrării:

  • purposes of processing:
    • establishing the interview.
  • legal grounds:
    • the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract to which the data subject is a party or to take steps at the request of the data subject before concluding a contract (art. 6, paragraph 1 letter b);
    • the processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by us (art. 6, paragraph 1 letter f - establishing a portfolio of candidates for employment for various positions within River Development / Sema Group companies). (art. 6, alin.1 lit. b);
  • prelucrarea este necesară în scopul intereselor legitime urmărite de noi (art. 6, alin. 1 lit. f – stabilirea unui portofoliu de candidați la angajare pentru diverse posturi din cadrul River Development/ firmelor din Grup Sema).


d) recipients or categories of recipients of personal data: ai datelor cu caracter personal:

  • the designated personnel within the Human Resources Department, the head of the Department where the position targeted by your application for employment is located, the River Development management, which processes your data strictly for the mentioned purpose;
  • associated operators of RIVER DEVELOPMENT (companies from Grup Sema);
  • persons empowered to process personal data on our behalf (eg: external providers of: training, occupational safety, occupational medicine, health insurance, meal voucher distribution, fleet management, courier companies, banks), suppliers, the clients and collaborators of the company who come in contact with you to fulfill their duties, as the case may be (according to the job description);
  • state institutions, according to legal competences (ex: ANAF, Labor Inspectorate, Health Insurance House; Pension House; AJOFM etc).

We alsoinform you of the following:[2]:

  • the period for which the personal data provided will be stored, respectively in which they will be kept in our portfolio of candidates for employment, is 1 year after the completion of the recruitment process, respectively after receiving a response from us at your request employment date, after which the data will be deleted in compliance with legal provisions. If you do not want your data to be kept in the portfolio of candidates for employment, please send us a deletion request, the data will be deleted from our database within 30 days.
  • in connection with the personal data provided to RIVER DEVELOPMENT SRL you have the following rights that you can exercise through requests addressed to us through the forms we provide upon request: the right of access, rectification or deletion, restriction of processing or the right to oppose the processing as well as the right to data portability.
  • You have the right to contact the national supervisory authority, the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing (ANSPDCP), if you wish to lodge a complaint about how we protect your personal data provided by using the forms available at
  • if applicable, you have the right to withdraw your consent to RIVER DEVELOPMENT SRL for the processing of personal data, in the event that it was requested (for processing related to the legitimate interests of the company), without affecting in any way the legality previous processing performed by the company based on your agreement.
  • The provision by you of personal data is a necessity for us to take steps in order to conduct the interview, not providing them making it impossible to carry out the recruitment / employment process.
  • RIVER DEVELOPMENT SRL does not use automated decision-making processes (including the creation of profiles) or other such processing regarding the personal data provided.

If RIVER DEVELOPMENT SRL intends to subsequently process personal data for a purpose other than that for which they were collected, you we will provide, prior to this further processing, information on that secondary purpose and any relevant additional information, similar to the above.

We inform you that, as a personal data controller, we comply with the legal provisions regarding the protection of personal data and apply technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized or illegal processing, as well as against loss or destruction. accidental or illegal.

[1] – conform art. 13 din Regulamentul (UE) 2016/679 : Informații care se furnizează în cazul în care datele cu caracter personal sunt colectate de la persoana vizată

[2] – informații menționate la art. 13 alineatul (2) din Regulamentul (UE) 2016/679.